Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Workout DVD Reviews...

As I was working out with my girl Mel B last week, I thought it would be cool to do a review of some of the workout DVD’s I own.

This chicks body is insane and so are her workouts!

My first attempt at doing this DVD ended up with me lying on the floor just watching and thinking "is she serious?", but after a few attempts, I’ve managed to make it through some of the workouts.

Her DVD is broken out in the following sections:

Warm Up (5 min)

Cardio (15 min)

Advanced Cardio (20 min)

Abs (10 min) Legs (10 min)

Bums (10 min)

Tums (10 min) Cool Down

You can select which workouts you’d like to do and they’ll play back to back, so you don’t have to worry about going back and forth to the menu and clicking around to each segment.

The camera angles aren’t that great, it’s like they do too many close-ups of her face and body and you aren’t able to see the exercises to ensure you’re executing them correctly.
Anyway, the workouts are intense, quick and effective. I recommend this DVD, but shop around – I wouldn’t pay more then $5-10 for this.

Hip Hop Abs

Alright, I love these DVDs – Shaun T is comical! The comments he makes throughout the workouts will have you rolling. I’m not one to judge, but he is super “gay” fun gay though, like someone you’d want to hang out with and go shopping.

There’s a part when “Dontcha” by the Pussycat Dolls comes on and he is like “heyyyyyyyy, Omigodddd this is my jammmm!!!!!!!

I think his workouts are more for cardio then abs, but it is fun and you’ll work up a sweat.

I ordered this off of the Beachbody website, but I’m sure you can find a good deal on E-Bay if you’re interested.

Turbo Jam

Chalene is fun, but this DVD got old quick. Actually, I think once I got Hip Hop Abs I lost interest in Turbo Jam.

In my opinion Turbo Jam is similar to Tae Bo but not as intense. I haven’t done Turbo Jam in a while, but I remember liking it when I was doing it, but like I said earlier – it got old quick and I needed something new.

Chalean Extreme (I did a previous post on this one)

This is what I’m currently doing – It’s a 3 part system that’s supposed to get you to burn fat and get lean. It’s a 3 month program, but I’ve been stuck on part 1 for like 4 months.

There’s a lot of weight lifting (you can also use resistance bands) and some cardio. The concept of this is that muscle burns fat. I can’t comment on the other 2 parts because I haven’t made it that far.

I usually add Cardio with this, because I don’t think she does enough.

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