Thursday, February 26, 2009


AJ and I took a brief 4 day trip to Berlin and we had a great time. Berlin is filled with so much history and it is a beautiful city. We arrived on a Friday evening and had just enough time to find our hotel and grab a bite to eat. We spent all of Saturday figuring out the U/S-Bahn and walking all over to see the sites. It was soooo cold and wet and the weather was just ugh – so I’m bundled and covered up in just about all of our pics, but we still had a good time.

The Brandenburg Gate

A Piece of the Berlin Wall

AJ using his navigational skills (he's so cute trying to figure out what train to take)
Checkpoint Charlie - One of the main gateways for crossing between the two halves of Berlin during the Cold War. The naming of the checkpoints was based on the phonetic alphabet, and as this was the third such checkpoint it was given the name of Charlie.

Exhausted after a long day on the go

Hotel Adlon - This is the hotel where Michael Jackson dangled his baby from the balcony.

Starbucks has seriously taken over the world.

I made AJ take me to the Zoo

On the roof/terrace of our hotel, this was our last day there and I was so tired

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